9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1.Be Grateful
Being grateful is something you should apply to your life because you always need to give thanks and be grateful for what you have or for what you receive.An example for being grateful is with parents,after graduating from high school you should be grateful for their support and for making your graduating possible.In your life you should also be grateful for things you hate or make your days horrible,because once you face them you will know that you need to overcome them and that will give you strength for your future.Not only be grateful for good or bad things,also for waking up everyday and enjoy another day of your life."It's wonderful to be grateful. To have that gratitude well out from deep within you and pour out in waves. Once you truly experience this, you will never want to give it up."I will apply this new way by being grateful from now every day,no matter on what or with who.I will always remember to be grateful for the little and big things.
2.Be Smart
Being smart is something important in your life.During your life you will have to chose many choices,therefor you will have to be smart and make the right decisions.In life you will also come across many things that will be harmful or have bad consequences for you,it depends on you and being smart not to follow does tracks.Doesn't matter how many people are doing bad things,even though everyone is doing something bad it doesn't mean you need to do it to,you need to be smart and chose the right at all time."Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."This is a strong quote to always remember that you are stronger and smarter than you think,never give up on things because you are smarter than you think.I will apply this new way in my life by always thinking things twice and to come up with the smartest choice.Also by not giving up on things no matter how hard they seem,because I can be smarter than I think.
3.Be Involved
Being involved has many ways of seeing it.You have to be involved in many things in life because they will bring you knowledge.In school you need to be involved with almost everything to be a great student and be successful,you need to be involved with other students to get some help if you need.As well as being involved with other students,you also need to be involved with teachers and all the staff in your school because they can provide you help and advice once you get out to the real world.In your life you need to get along many people and be involved not also with many people,but also in many activities and things you know will be good for you.All this will bring you confidence and connections that will be helpful for you once you life by yourself.As much as it could help you,it would also help others that need help."When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world."I will apply this new way to my life by being more involved with other people and activities that can make my life better in many different ways.
4.Be Clean
Being clean is an important thing that everyone should have.Being clean tells a lot about your image and about yourself,people this days treat you by your image.Being a clean person is being a responsible person because you give importance about your image and about your health.Being clean is more important because when you have a job interview and you go all dirty and not well presentable,you will give a bad image about yourself and it could affect you in your job application.On the other hand,if you present on your job interview clean and well presentable you will give a nice impression about yourself and you could be more eligible.Being clean can also be referred to being clean with yourself,like having a clean live where you didn't do bad things that you know are bad."Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world".
5.Be True
Being true is a very important thing in your life because you always need to be who you want to be.Don't let someone else change your way of being or change it yourself just try to impress someone or to try to fit in a group.You always need to be honest to yourself,what you like and makes you happy is the most important.You always need to be true with you friends,family,and everyone that is around you because you need to show who you really are.You don't what or try to be someone you really don't are because you will not be happy and you will be lying to yourself and how you really are. Don't be ashamed of showing the world the you that you are."The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself, especially when everybody is watching."I will apply this new way to my life by being who I really am and not trying to be someone else just to impress someone or to fit somewhere.
6.Be Positive
Being positive is a great way to live your life.You can feel better with yourself and with everyone around if you see things and live in a positive way.People will like to be around you more often than usually because they will like your way of always being positive.When you get to confront a problem,the problem will be more likely to solve easier because you will see the positive things out of any problem.Being positive brings you many things that can be beneficial for you during your life because being positive is a better way of living life."Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people."I will apply this new way to my life by simply being more positive every day with myself and with everyone that is around me.

7.Be Humble
Being humble is a very important thing to add to your life.You always need to be respectful to everyone in order to receive respect back,you should treat others the way you want to be treated.Being humble will help you in your life because people will know you by being respectful with everyone,it can help you to open many doors in your life.Like Mr.Haymore always remember us to be a crt person,to always chose the right and to be respectful with others.Being humble can help you do better in many things,such as relationships,job interviews,work,school,etc."My dad said, 'Stay humble, and you gotta work harder than everybody else.' My mom said, 'Always be yourself.' She always told me only God can judge me."I will apply this new way to my live by being confident with myself and to always respect and treat others just the way i would like to be treated.

8.Be Still
Being still is a way of saying being calm or relaxed.Being still in other words the meditation of the mind.Being able to just not do much but think and know there is a solution.Basically holding that peace of mind,pretty much just put into the refreshing of your mind and soul. It is a core center key to seeing and relaxing your positive minds but also to take a break for a bit.Yes, this is the moment of nothingness but quietness of the atmosphere and how you flow with it and come back to reality in a blossoming way.“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” I will apply this new way to my live by being patient and calm to whatever situation I am facing.

9.Be Prayerful
Reflection 9 ways.
Reading all this way Mr.Haymore told us were very helpful for me and I bet they were to for other students.Through out every day I learned about ways in life to be happy and be a better person in life.All this way teached me how to do well in life and in my future,know I know things that can help me develop in life.I feel excited to apply this new ways in my life because they will surely be beneficial for me.Life is difficult and very challenging,sometimes you can get lost and depressed but thanks to this new ways I feel more prepared to be a good person and to achieve my goals.

7.Be Humble
Being humble is a very important thing to add to your life.You always need to be respectful to everyone in order to receive respect back,you should treat others the way you want to be treated.Being humble will help you in your life because people will know you by being respectful with everyone,it can help you to open many doors in your life.Like Mr.Haymore always remember us to be a crt person,to always chose the right and to be respectful with others.Being humble can help you do better in many things,such as relationships,job interviews,work,school,etc."My dad said, 'Stay humble, and you gotta work harder than everybody else.' My mom said, 'Always be yourself.' She always told me only God can judge me."I will apply this new way to my live by being confident with myself and to always respect and treat others just the way i would like to be treated.

8.Be Still
Being still is a way of saying being calm or relaxed.Being still in other words the meditation of the mind.Being able to just not do much but think and know there is a solution.Basically holding that peace of mind,pretty much just put into the refreshing of your mind and soul. It is a core center key to seeing and relaxing your positive minds but also to take a break for a bit.Yes, this is the moment of nothingness but quietness of the atmosphere and how you flow with it and come back to reality in a blossoming way.“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” I will apply this new way to my live by being patient and calm to whatever situation I am facing.

9.Be Prayerful
Reflection 9 ways.
Reading all this way Mr.Haymore told us were very helpful for me and I bet they were to for other students.Through out every day I learned about ways in life to be happy and be a better person in life.All this way teached me how to do well in life and in my future,know I know things that can help me develop in life.I feel excited to apply this new ways in my life because they will surely be beneficial for me.Life is difficult and very challenging,sometimes you can get lost and depressed but thanks to this new ways I feel more prepared to be a good person and to achieve my goals.
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