The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

John R. Noe
1.High Achievers Make no small plans:Plan BIG
In life you need to plan yourself a goal to achieve.When you plan a goal is better to plan a big goal,not planning small goals because is not the best you can do.You need to give your best and the goal you want with hard and dedication you will achieve it.Even is you not get the goal you want,you will still be very on top,you will have more opportunities.Is better to plan big goal in your life than planning small because you will set your mind a big challenge,this will help you to be more stronger in any other challenge or obstacle you come in front with during your life.This attitude has a great quote that everyone knows or everyone should know which is "Point to the moon,even if you miss you'll be in the stars."This quote relates to this attitude because even if you don't achieve the plan you wanted,you will still be very high as a person."Meticulous planning will enable everything a man does to appear spontaneous."I will apply this new attitude to my life by making my plans big,not planning small because that will not give me same results as planning big

2.High Achievers Do what they fear
Doing what other people fear will bring you no limits in accomplishing other things.When you do what other people fear will make you like a leader,you will demonstrate other people that nothing is impossible and that they need to try it to.You will try to encourage them to not be afraid of doing what they want,it might be difficult and maybe that's why they are afraid of doing things but they need to see that nothing is impossible.Also while doing what others are afraid of will make a braver person,you will face new things that will help you and be beneficial for you in your future.This is a great example to know that you can fight for what you want,challenge yourself to accomplish great things and don't let fear kill your dreams.."“Today i will do what others won't so tomorrow i can do what others can't.''I will apply this new attitude to my life by not letting fear stop what I want,even though people will think that is to much,I will still try to.

3.High achievers are willing to prepare.
Being a high achiever is a long way of preparing yourself.If you want to achieve great things in your life you will need to learn to prepare yourself.Making things the right way don't prepare one night before the due date,you need to give yourself sometime to prepare and do things the best you can to make sure you will end up doing a good job.Being prepared is a very important quality you should need to apply to yourself every day,preparedness will make you achieve your goals.For example if one day you have a job interview that is really important for you because you really want that job,you need to prepare yourself way before the interview.You will need to know what to say and prepare your resume,also with some letters of recommendation you can get from other places where you've work before.All that is being prepared to make sure you are ready for that job interview."Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams."I will apply this new way to my life by always giving myself some time to prepar,doing things the last minute don't end up with good results.
4.High achievers are willing to risk failure
In life you have to know that failure at some point will stand in your way.To grow even more in what you want will be a tough way,once you fail you may want to stop,but that will make you even stronger.You have to learn as much as you can from every failure,that will make you gain knowledge to know what not to do in your future.Once you fail you always need to keep moving,you don't what to let a failure stop you.You need to have ambition for what you want and know that nothing will stop you,you need to sacrifice in order to achieve what you want.That is what will make you stronger and will help make you succeed.

5.High Achievers are teachable.
6.High Achievers have heart.
Having heart in everything you do is something high achievers do.People with heart always care about others and help others.A high achiever with heart always puts heart to everything he does,in school,at work,or even at home.Having heart in your everyday is to always do the best you can,try to be an example for others,give out the best image you can about yourself.If you give heart in everything and give a good example to others,you will make others do as same as you.Therefor,more people in this world will be as good as a high achiever that puts its heart to everything they do.Also one important thing a high achiever does is to have heart with it's self,love their selve the way they are and treat others just the way they want to be treated."The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."I will apply this new way to my life by from now on,putting my heart in everything I do,treat others as I want to be treated,and to put more heart in what I love.
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